Filerimos is a hill of 267 meters high. It is approximately 16km away from the city of Rhodes. It is used to be the citadel of the ancient town of Ialyssos.
The hill took the name from a monk who came from Jerusalem in the 13th century bringing with him an icon of the Blessed Virgin painted by the Apostle Luke, placing it in a small church that he built to house it at the top of the hill(Byzantine). The hill includes the foundations of the temple of Athena Polias, an Early Christian basilica, and a small subterranean Byzantine church. There is a road that sets off from the square that leads to the westernmost point of the hill. The road to Golgotha used by Catholics was dotted with holy icon-stands and bronze reliefs. At the end of the road of Martyrdom stands an 18 meters tall cross raised by the Italians in 1930.